Senin, 23 Juli 2012


By. Isro
1.    A Review text is : a text that gives a person’s response or reaction to another text by providing a description of the work and a judgement. Example to a book, film, play, poem, etc.
2.    Thepurpose is : to analize and evaluate some creative works, and to inform people about its strenght and weakness or to criticise an art work, event for public.
3.    Componets of review text are 4 parts:
a.    Title : identified the subject of review
b.    Identification/description of the text that gives detail the orientation, complication, sequence of events and resolution or opening paraghraph that introduce the text.
c.    Evalution/describing particular aspects and opinion the quality, efectiveness, etc.
d.    Conclution/recomendation : the judgement, summarize to the value of work.
4.    Language features
a.    What the express judgement and writters attitudes (with modality).
b.    Use present tense pattern.
c.    Use descriptive words.

1.    A Review text is : a piece of text that give instruction for doing something or how something works or how to operation manual. Example: dirrections, recipes, instruction manual, itineraries, etc.
2.    Thepurpose is : to explain how something can be done or to tell the reader how to do or make something
3.    Fetaures of procedure text as the steps for constructing a procedure text are:
a.    An introductory statement that give aim or goal.
b.    A list of material needed.
c.    A sequence of steps in the order they need to be done (with connecters).
4.    Language features
a.    Use technical language
b.    Use time word or number
c.    Use imperative verbs or command
d.    Use adverbs

1.    Explanation text or information text is : a piece of text that presents information about a subject, or the compose to describe how something form and why something exists and happens.
2.    The purpose is : a description and information on its parts, behaviors and qualities. Examples : text books, lectures, research assignments,references articles, etc.
3.    Features of explanation text as constructing an information are :
a.    A general opening statement with brief definition or short description.
b.    A series of paraghraphs about the subject.
c.    A conclution that sumarizes the information presented.
4.    Language features
a.      Technical language related the subject.
b.      Generalised terms.
c.       Use the present tense pattern.


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