Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Eltac lesson plan

School                         : Senior High School Brebes 2
Subject                       : Economic
Grade/semester          : X/1
Time                           : 1 x 35 minutes

Standard Competence:
3.    Memahami usaha manusia memenuhi kebutuhan.

Basic Competence      :
3.3. Mengidentifikasi tindakan ekonomi  berdasarkan prinsip ekonomi dalam berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari.

Indicator                    :
3.3.1. Identify the economic principle
3.3.2. Identify the type of economic principle
3.3.3. Identify the importance of economic principle in daily life

Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, 75 % of the students should be able to:
1.    Define the economic principle
2.    Mention the types of economic principle
3.    Identify the importance of economic principle in daily life

Learning Material
1.         Definition of Economic Principle
The economic principle is the orientation of getting maximum income or profit with the minimum outcome or investment.
2.         Type of Economic Principle
a.         Economic principle of producer:
-       Produce high quality product
-       Press the cost as little as possible
-       Get the maximum profit
-       Produce the favorite and most wanted by consumer
b.        Economic principle of consumer:
-       Get the satisfaction as maximum as possible
-       Their needs of life is fulfilled
-       Avoid the consumptive character or nature
-       Get the product with high quality and cheap
c.         Economic principle of distributor:
-       Distribute the product on time
-       Spread the product smoothly
-       Keep the price in balance
3.  The Advantage of Economic principle
a.         Economical
b.        Accurate
c.         Smart in arranging the finance

Learning Method
ü  Discussion
ü  Group Work

Learning Activities
Q Opening activities
Apperception and Motivation:
1.    Greeting and check the attendance list.
Good afternoon students
How are you today?
Let’s check the attendance list
Thank you every body
2.    Teacher does the warming-up by telling the students about the principles of economic.
At the previous meeting, you’ve learned about the principles of economic?
So, you are familiar enough with your surrounding now. 
3.    Teacher introduces the material.
Do you know what is stone, class?
4.    Teacher leads the students into the material.
Today we are going to learn about the principles of economic, the definition, types and importance of the principles economic.
Q Main activities
Teacher asks the students to look at the media when explaining the material.
Look at the screen and please pay attention to it.
1.    Teacher divided the students into two groups.
Please make a group of two, and then sit with your group members.
2.    Group 1 and 2 discuss about the difference of the principles of economic
Everyone, group 1 and 2 will discuss about the principles of economic.
3.    Every group makes a report based on their discussion.
After the discussion, your group have to make a report about your discussion.
Discuss the principles of economic together.
Q  Closing Activities
1.        Concluding the material just learned
“Class... is anyone can summarize our lesson today? Today we learn about the principles of economic
2.        Reflection
“Is everithing clear so far?”.
3.        Giving assignments
“well... for your home-meal, please deepen your understandding on the principles of economic  by learning it again at home. Next week, we’ll have another material related to today’s materials”.
4.        Saying good bye.
“that’s all for today.... class dismissed”.
See you tomorrow. Bye....




·         Students are able to identify the economic principle
·         Students are able to identify the type of economic principle
·         Students are able to identify the importance of economic principle in daily life

Written test

Spoken test


List of Questions

Mention the principles of economic!

Mention the types of economic and give the examples!

Explain the importance of applying economics principle in daily life!

Ø  Needs                    : the things that a person must have in order to have satisfactory life
Ø  Profit                     : the good or advantege that can be achived by a certain action
Ø  Politic                    : showing the ability to make the right decisions
Ø  Quality                  : how good or bad something is
Ø  Product                 : something that is made to be sold
Ø  Finance                  : a supply of money
Ø  Position                 : the place where something or someone is, often in relation to other things
Ø  Income                  : money that is earned from doing work or received investment
Ø  Outcome               : a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.

Q  Related pictures
Q  PowerPoint presentation

Q  Abdurrachman Faridi, Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru Imersi dan RSBI, FBS Unnes 2011.
Q  Puryadi, dkk, Economici SMA X, CV. Perusda Pemkot Semarang, Semarang 2007.
Q  Lesson Plan Unnes 2012.

Brerbes, July  27, 2012

Signature of the Headmaster                                        Signature of the Teacher

      Oeoeng Syamsuri                                                      Isro


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