Senin, 23 Juli 2012

RPP Geografi Eltac/RSBI

School                          : Junior High School Semarang 1
Subject                         : Geography
Grade/semester           : VII/1
Time                             : 1 x 40 minutes

Standard Competence:
2.    Memahami dan mengerti Jenis-jenis Batuan
Basic Competence      :
2.2. Mengidentifikasi jenis batuan berdasarkan proses pembentukannya, kekerasannya dan siklusnya..
Indicator                      :
2.2.1.  Understanding the kinds of stones pursuant to proccess the happening of them.
2.2.2. Mentionining the difference of stones pursuant to its hardness.
2.2.3. Mentioning the siklus   of stones pursuant to its occurence.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, 75 % of the students should be able to:
1.      Understanding the kinds of stones.
2.      Mention the difference of stones pursuant to its hardness.
3.      Mention the siklus   of stones pursuant to its occurence.
The Stones
The term of stone is the sands was lamped up consist of mineral and sediment. Sedimentary is the process of precipation stone particles that iscarried by wind, geycer, or water
→ The kinds of stones pursuant to proccess the happening are igneus, sediment and metamorfosis. Terms of : Igneus, Sediment And Metamorfosis :
Igneus is made primarily of calcium sulfate that has many forms. Clear flattened crystals are called selenite. Satin spar and alabaster are also common forms of gypsum.
Metamorfosis is a microcrystaline sedimentary rock carbonate or calcite. The most common source of this calcite is the shells of marine organisms.
Sediment is an evaporate made of calcium
that is silica rich. It has many forms and colors
→ the difference of stones pursuant to its hardness are Talkum, gypsum, kalsit, fluorit, apatit, ortoklas, kwarsa, topas, korundum, and diamond.
→ the siklus of stones are magma, igneus, sediment, sediment of chemist, and metamorf.

Learning Method
ü     Discussion
ü     Group Work

Learning Activities
Q     Opening activities
              Apperception and Motivation:
1.    Greeting and check the attendance list.
Good afternoon students
How are you today?
Let’s check the attendance list
Thank you every body
2.    Teacher does the warming-up by telling the students about stones.
At the previous meeting, you’ve learned about earth?
So, you are familiar enough with your surrounding now. 
3.    Teacher introduces the material.
Do you know what is stone, class?
4.    Teacher leads the students into the material.
Today we are going to learn about stones, the difference of stones, also the siklus of stones.
Q     Main activities
1.   Teacher asks the students to look at the media when explaining the material.
Look at the screen and please pay attention to it.
1. Teacher divided the students into two groups.
Please make a group of two, and then sit with your group members.
2.   Group 1 and 2 discuss about the difference of stones. Everyone, group 1 and 2 will discuss about the stones.
3.   Every group makes a report based on their discussion.
After the discussion, your group have to make a report about your discussion.
4.   Discuss the Kinds, siklus and difference of stones together.
Q  Closing Activities
1.    Concluding the material just learned
“Class... is anyone can summarize our lesson today? Today we learn about the stones“
2.    Reflection
“Is everithing clear so far?”.
3.    Giving assignments
“well... for your home-meal, please deepen your understandding on the stones  by learning it again at home. Next week, we’ll have another material related to today’s materials”.
4.    Saying good bye.
“that’s all for today.... class dismissed”.
See you tomorrow. Bye....


1.      Understanding kinds of stones
2.      Mention differences of stones
3.      Mention the siklus of stones

Spoken Test

Spoken Test

Spoken test

Question and answers
Questions and answers

What is kinds of stones?
Mention diferences of stoness!
Make a report of your group discussion about the kinds of stones and read it in front of the class.

sediment metamorfosis Talkum
= batu beku
= batu endapan
= batu metamor
= batu lembut
= batu gipsum
= batu kalsit
= batu fluorit
korundum diamond
= batu apatit
= batu ortoklas
= batu kwarsa
= batu topas
= batu korundum
= batu intan
= batu lahar/cair

Q  Related pictures
Q PowerPoint presentation

Q Abdurrachman Faridi, Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru Imersi dan RSBI, FBS Unnes 2011.
Q Puryadi, dkk, Geografi SMP VII, CV. Perusda Pemkot Semarang, Semarang 2007.
Q RPP Unnes 2012.

Semarang, 13 July 2012


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