Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris, Judul : "The Drugs".

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning brothers and sisters!
Glory be to Allah the God who teaches human beings of what they do not know. May peace be always on our leader, the noblest human being, prophet Muhamad SAW, along with his family his  companions, and all people who follow his teachings and consisitently propagate Islam. Amma ba’du.
Ladies and gentlemen,  In the beginning of this year we were shocked by arresting of a popular artist Rafi Ahmad who held drugs party at his own home.
Do you know the arising problem from drugs abuse?
Dear brothers and sisters.
Nowadays, drugs can be found everywhere. It may seem that most of people are enjoying them. Many teens like me are tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seems to offer. They didn’t realize that what they do is absolutely wrong. It can make shatter their future.
Brothers and sisters.
What I’m going to explain today about the role of Madrasah in response to drugs abuse.
My speech will be in two main parts. In the first part I’ll talk about the dangers of drugs abuse. And the last about prevention drugs abuse.
Thanks to medical and drugs researchers, there are thousand of drugs that help people. Antibiotic and vaccines have revolutionized the treatment of infections. There are medicines to lower blood preassure and reduce the body’s rejection of new organs. So medicines can cure, slow, or prevent disease and helping us to lead healthy, happy lives as well.
Dear brothers and sisters.
On the other hand, there are also alots of the dangers of drugs, that people take to help them  feel good or have good time. What do you think? Is it good? Of course not. When you put drugs into your body (often by swallowing, inhalling, or injection them), drugs find their way into your blood stream and transported to part of your body, such as your brain. In the brain drugs may either intensify or dull your sense and sometimes decrease physical pain.
Although drugs can feel good at first, especially danger drugs. In spite of this the drugs can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Drinking alcohol, smoking tobaco, taking danger drugs and sniffing glue can cause serious damage to the human body. Oh no!! It’s terrible, isn’t it?
Dear brothers and sisters.
Those are made us thinking seriously. Here it is madrasah. Almost every day we go there. The place where we learn every things, Madrasah has key position. Beside, Madrasah is a school  based on Islam, which is every moslem has to do something good.  It gives the students knowlege about science, social, religious, and life skills. It also intensively inform the students about the dangers of drugs. Via guidance and conselling, Madrasah gives care to the students.  There are two methods used by guidance conselling teachers when they give their service.
Brothers and sisters.
The first method is clasical guidance. This method guidance and conselling teachers give general information service in the class about the danger of drugs. What is the benefit? Using this service every student will know about the information in general. However, the students can’t get the information in detail.
What about the second method? The teacher gives the service with group guidance in guidance and conselling room. Although, there may a student doesn’t come to this guidance. The benefit the students and the teacher discus about one theme more intens and  clearly. In this case drugs abuse. They will discus about the danger, the prevention and how to solve if someone has drugs problem. The students get the information in detail.
Brothers and sisters.
So, as we have seen in my speech today, we can see that
-   Drugs are chemicals or subtances that changes the way our body’s works, but it can decrease physical pain.
-   Madrasah gives service via guidance and conceling to prevent drugs abuse.
Dear my brother and sister in faith and religion!
Is it fitting that a young who claims to be moslem, but enjoy the forbiden things? Is it fair that a young man who claims to believe the lessons of Allah, but still consumes intoxinating ang forbidden drugs?
O the moslem youngster, you are all the ideal of the moslems! That’s why, never you become part of the group of insurgents!
Swear by God that evil actions are really alive tortures in the world, and tortures in the hereafter are much more dreadful. Imam Ahmad and Ibnu Majah told a narrative from Ibnu Abbas ra who said: Rasulullah SAW said: Laa dhara ra wa laa dhiraa ra.
“don’t endanger yourselves and other”
Brothers and sisters.
Remeber, that we are young generation, the natoin’s hope. Indonesia needs intellegent and zeal youth. So let’s be good youth and avoiding drugs. Let’s say together Say No To Drugs!!
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


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