Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris, Judul " The Global Era".

Indahnya kalau kita Bisa Berbagi.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning brothers and sisters!
All praises be to Allah, the God who unifies the muslims through the Oneness belief. He ordered the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and his companions to move to the Land of hope, the city of Madinah. In New land, Rasulullah gradually succeded to build a muslim community. May peace be always on the noblest people, prophet Muhammad SAW. May peace be also on his family and his camponions, along who follow his teachings. Amma ba’du.
Dear brother and sisters!
Public perception of madrasah in the more recent era of globalization makes the madrasah as a unique educational institution. In current science and technology is growing rapidly, while the modern philosophy of human life and religious crisis when the world is moving towards free trade gates, where the madrasah looks increasingly needed. The school that has the typical characteristics not shared by other educational models that became one of the foundations of modern human life to cope with the dry heart of religious avoid demoralization and dehumanization phenomenon is more rampant with the advancement of technology and material civilization.
Dear brother and sisters!
Opportunities and Threats Globalization Globalization is bringing the positive and negative impacts for the benefit of our nation. Positive impact, for example, the more easily we get information from the outside so that it can help us find new alternatives in an effort to solve the problems we face. (For example, through the internet we can search for information from all over the world without having to spend a lot of money as it used to (in terms of man power, funds, or goods). Negative impact is inclusion of information that we do not need or even destructive to the values ​​which we have adopted. For example, cultural affairs brought by Italy movies through TV, the pictures or porn video streams in through the Internet, magazines, or CD ROM, entry-schools of different political ideology of a political ideology that we profess, and so on.
Dear brothers and sisters who are honored by Allah!
Madrasah is one of the important institutions of Islamic education in Indonesia in addition to boarding school. Its presence is so important in creating a cadre of Islamic nations minded and high-minded nationalism. One of the advantages of the madrasa
h is the integration of general science and religion. Madrasah is also an important part of the national educational institutions in Indonesia. His role is so great in generating outputs the next generation.
Dear brothers and sisters in belief and religion!
The challenges of globalization faced with Islamic institutions, especially the madrasah. As an educational institution that prepares young people for the future of Muslims, madrasahshould be able to produce graduates who will be able to play an important role in all sectors of national life, be it religious sector, social, economic, political, science and technology. Madrasah favored than public schools because madrasah provide religious education (which is better than public schools) in addition to general education (which is the same as the public schools).
That’s all the right reason why we are learning in Madrasah.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


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