Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Round-Robin Brainstorming

Round-Robin Brainstorming
The steps:
  • Step 1 – Gather your team together around a table. Give each person some index cards, so that people can record their ideas on individual pieces of card.
  • Step 2 – Acting as facilitator, explain the problem that you want to solve. Be specific about the objectives of the brainstorming session. Answer questions, but discourage discussion. The goal in this step is to allow individual people to think creatively without any influence from others.
  • Step 3 – Have each team member, in silence, think of one idea and write it down on an index card.
  • Step 4 – Once everyone has written down an idea, have each person pass their idea to the person next to them. Everyone should now be holding a new card with their neighbor’s idea written down on it.
  • Step 5 – Have each person use their neighbor’s idea as inspiration to create another idea, which they then write on a fresh index card. Then ask each person to hand in their neighbor’s card, and pass their new idea to the person next to them to repeat step 4.
  • Step 6 – Continue this circular idea swap for as long as is necessary to gather a good amount of ideas. When the time is up, gather up all the ideas. You can now collate them, eliminate any duplicates, and discuss them further as required.
The Materials:
Speaking Skill
It was so early in the morning. Mr. Dandy got up from hs sleep, he was startled because of the loud music he heard from hs younger brother’s room. He ran out of his room and banged on his brother’s door.
Mr. Dandy                        : hey, turn of the radio!
Younger brother    : why?
Mr. Dandy                        : have you lost you mind? Do you have to play it so loud?
Younger brother    : why? I play it in my room. I use my own radio. And it’s music, not noise.
Mr. Dandy                        : yes, but it disturbed me so much. I’m fed up hearing so loud.... music,
  like that
Younger brother    : oh, so i distured you? I’m sorry then. Don’t be angry. I will turn the
  volume down.
Mr. Dandy                        : turn if off...!


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